Tuesday, July 29, 2008

school today...

Ms. Josie said that Dean did really good today, He did all his jobs (lessons) and recieved a piece of candy because he did them so well. Last night, I think the kids played so great together, better than I have seen them play in awhile. Lily was tickling Dean and he was laughing and laughing, plus "Tom and Jerry" was on and of course they love that show. If I ever need them to calm down for any reason that's all I've got to do is tell them they can watch Tom and Jerry and they immedatly sit down in their little chairs and get ready for it to come on...I know that sounds kinda lazy but it really helps if I'm washing or folding laundry or trying to get some straighting up done around the house. Of course, we do have our fun and play time also...

Yesterday I heard about the little baby who drowned in the pool. I couldn't help but reflect what happened to my little girl and how fortunate and blessed we are to have her with us on this earth still. In a split second you never ever know what is going to happen. I actually got sick here at work after hearing about it. It also made the hair stand up on my arms.

Our Heavenly Father is such a gracious, wonderful, loving, father and truly blesses his children.
I know in my heart that things on this earth happen, and you really can not understand someone's true pain at mouring the loss of a child, trust me I got really really close, and never ever want that feeling again, but for someone to actually go through it, before Richard and I started going to church and I started learning about the things to come after this life is over, I would not have even known how to begin to heal with the fact it almost happened much less really losing a child. I am so thankful that we have her here with us and have the chance to teach her the truth and for us to have a chance to be sealed in the temple one day... I can't even begin to say how that makes my heart feel. I can only pray that the ones that have lost loved ones know the truth in their hearts as well..

Monday, July 28, 2008

Baby Girl!!

7/25/2008 not quite sure on time but between 2:45 and 3:00 pm
8 pounds and 7 ounces. 19 inches ..

she looks just like her big sister Brianna did when she was born but with less hair...very cute!!!! Mama and baby doing just fine and at home....

Lily wasn't to sure of what to think about the new baby. (Especially when Daddy held her) She did pretty good though. Dean pretty much wasn't even paying attention...he was all about playing with toys...

Friday, July 25, 2008


Well today, I am going to be an Aunt again!!! My sister-in-law is in the hospital right now so just as soon as i find out I will update with pictures....

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

catch up

It's been a few weeks since my last post. I was off from work all last week YAY!!!!!!! On Monday, we went to Wilmington to get some more supplements for Dean since he was running low, so while we were there we decided to take the kids to the battleship..it was nice but boy was it hot. We really didnt go down on the ship very far 2 or 3 levels I think since we had to carry Lily and the steps were pretty steep. Dean seemed to enjoy himself but was ready to take a ride. He wanted to boat to move bless his heart. I on the other hand had a mini panic attack for being so inclosed..closterphobic, much???? very!!!!!

For the past 2 Sundays Richard and I have taken the kids to the LDS church on Harker's Island. Richard is a member there and we had been talking about going...So, I decided to do some research and studying before going....what I found was so amazing...It is absolutly nothing like most people think it is....Never have I found a place to go and worship that I have found compleate peace and answers like I have at this church... the fellowship with the people is amazing. not to mention the choir. I could listen to them all day....In my studying, I have found that I can not put it down, I keep wanting to read more and more and learn more and more. We have talked about getting a missionary to come to the house to help answer some questions that I have, mostly wanting to understand every part of what the gospel is saying down to the last detail..I feel like I have been missing out on so much and that I have jiped my kids out of something so special...I just wish I would have been learning about all the wonderful things that our heavenly father has in store for us a lot longer than about a month...

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Dean's session at Smyrna went really good today. Ms. Josie said that he did really really good. They read, wrote, and did some other things also. Dean has been having a really hard time lately adjusting to the fact that my dad isn't with us anymore. I know he is in paradise and we will all be together again for all eternity .....but, I am having a really hard time wraping my brain around how to put it so Dean can understand....Dean knows that Pops is with Heavenly Father and with Jesus, and that Pops was really sick here with us and going to live with our Heavenly Father made him all better, and he knows that Heaven is a place that you just can't go and visit. Until, recently he really wasn't asking so many questions.... now when Richard is at work Dean is asking me "did daddy go to Heaven?" is pops all better now? can he come home since he is done being sick, and most recently he asked my mom can he (Dean) go to Heaven so he can get all better. He pretty much affirms that Pops can't come back and that he is in Heaven with Jesus every single day for the past week or so, and then will name different people off, saying they are here but, pops in in Heaven with Jesus. I am glad that he seems to understand that my Daddy is in a better place, so, how do you tell a 5 year old that takes everything so literally, Bless his heart. With autism, Dean doesn't really understand what "just sayings" or stuff like that are, for ex. If you make the comment it's raining cats' and dogs' he would say nu uh mama its raining water...every things is literal and visual for him...so back to my question What and how do you do it?

July is here

This week marks the first full week of exteded school year. Last week they were closed because of the 4th. So while I'm waiting to see how that is going I figured I would post a few more pictures of the kids up. Things are going really good right now, sometimes Dean gets stimulated more that what I would like him to, and here recently he has been getting really upset if something is sightly off. We are supposed to go back to the doctor next week and are taking some more test. Oh, the last round of testing showed that Dean's body doesn't release toxins. which is pretty scary when we got the results because his levels were pretty high. (this was from the hair samples that we sent off) So they are going to be doing a 24 hr urine test and some other type of urine testing. Hopefully we can find out a way to detox him and get the bad stuff out. We are also going to be testing our water and soil to see if any of the toxins are coming from those areas.