Friday, February 20, 2009

It's been way to long I know!!!

Ok so quick update.... I switched job positions so I am not available to get to blog at work anymore...So we are trying to decide if we are going to break down and get the internet hooked up at the house...anyways...Dean's check ups are going great!!! He is doing so much better...We have compleated the 4th session of Chelation medication....Those 3 days are pretty rough...most of the time Dean is really tired, and breaks out in a bad rash but hopefully that is all working and we are getting the toxins out of his body....on FEBRUARY 26 2008 across from Taco Bell in the old carteret news times building there is going to be an art show from all over the county of the schools grades k-12 and DEAN GOT SELECTED!!!!!! I have no idea what he drew or that he was even interested in art so I am so excited to see what it is.....
The kids got bunk beds this past week and they love them they are the kind with the stairs instead of a ladder...but you can't tell sissy its a bed she calls it her castle...Dean actually likes sleeping in his room now, so hopefully Richard and I will have our bedroom back soon......

I am really excited about the calling I have recieved...I am an Assistant Teacher in Primary is so much fun...I was really nervous because everything is all so new to me still but I love learning more and more and its great to be able to see things in kids perspectives.....One of my kids, Caysen, she is so smart....I don't think that we have asked her one thing that she didn't know....They are all really great and I have the best time with them...

so here is my update for now
if i think of anything else Ill try to post it
and try to keep more updates coming sooner