Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Sunday during the Sacrament Meeting, one of the church members were giving their testimony and part of it was about how people tend to want to shame or discourage people of the church...well basically say its out right wrong....I've just begun to learn and study about this wonderful gospel and basically a better way of life and already know just exactly what he was talking about......

I've been taking my Book of Mormon and the hand out that the Sisters gave me on Sunday to work and quietly reading them and studing them during my lunch break...Some of the employees were talking about dieting and cutting out soft drinks and stuff like that so, I joined in on the conversation and said how I have been doing really good with no tea or caffeene for about two months now...well of course since I was reading the hand of them made the comment

Person 1. Are you Mormon now?

ME: well actually I have been going to the LDS church and really enjoy it....

Person 2. (in a very loud aqward voice) well how come if God made tea leaves how come its so bad then, he didn't make soda so that should be worse

Me: If you knew something was harmful for your body why would you want to put it in your body. Tobacco leaves were grown for a purpose but that doesn't mean our Heavenly Father intened for people to smoke it...

person 1 and 2 NO RESPONSE!!!!!

I was so proud of myself, after I went back to my office and thought about it I called Richard.I was so excited...the response just flew out of my hesitation no stuttering or anything

and Im not going to quit bringing my books into the break room.......I sure don't know anywhere near all of the answers to ignorant questions like that, but I'm not gonna stop learning either....


Mikal said...

I am so proud of you!!!! Paula, continue reading, studying and attending...there is somuch to learn. I have learned to be a better wife, mother, friend; a better person in general. You will find the answers to your questions through study and prayer. You and Richard have such a wonderful family. Don't let others discourage you from doing what Heavenly Father would want you to do.

Thanks for letting me know about your blog.

Strommer Family said...

Hey Paula,
It was great to know that someone else has seen my blog other than like the two people (all in my family) read it...but now I'm kinda this Paula Lewis that was friends with Jessica,and weren't you in band with us too?? Because when you started talking about the Book of Mormon and stuff, it kinda threw me off because the Paula I knew from H.S. was not LDS. If this is you then girl I couldn't be happier than to hear what you're up to...this church is a wonderful blessing in my little family's lives FOR SURE!! Keep at it and you know it is true for yourself!!