Friday, November 7, 2008

the far far away doctor's report

So, we went to see Dr. Harum yesterday. She is Dean's Autistic Specialist. She gave us really good news about the toxins since they screened his urine and compared it with the hair sample she thinks that the hair sample could have been a false positive and we are doing that again. We have increased some of his medicines, changed some, and added some but all in all he is really good at taking the medicine. We will see how this goes and see if it helps with his focusing. That right now seems to be where the biggest problem is. So, I'm off for now and will update next month on the doctor reports when we go back for the results. By then, the TEACCH sessions will have started.


Melinda said...

I'm so glad to hear the great news. Dean is such an awesome little fellow. I know having great parents makes the most difference in how children develop and Dean has 2 wonderful parents! Keep encouraging him and trust in your Heavenly Father to do what you can't!

Marla said...

Paula...where are your postings? I miss reading them. Please get busy and keep us informed about your family.I hope yuor family had a wonderful Christmas and may you have a great New Year with an abundance of blessings.