Tuesday, August 12, 2008

first meeting

(photo compliments of flickr)

Last night was my first meeting with the missionaries. I learned in more detail about the restoration of the church. I've decided not to get ahead of myself and to just read and study the pamphlets as they give them to me. Last night, when the Sisters, were teaching me, I had no clue that it would be so emotional. Just talking about where my life was, and how it had been so long since I had allowed Heavenly Father to talk to me and to listen to what he was telling me. As the opening prayer was being said, I felt this compleate peace and warmth from head to toe. When one of the Sisters was telling me about when Joseph Smith saw and heard Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, I got chills. It was so amazing and powerful and yet calm and peaceful, I knew what I was hearing was true and that it did happen. Last night I spent some time reflecting what I had been told and truthfully that is all I can think about today as well. It is so nice to have something in my life that I know is not going to go away, that I have to look foward to and build upon. I know that I as a person, a wife and a mother deserve that as do my family. I am so glad that my husband chose me and opened my eyes and heart to something that I have embraced for myself and have come to know and trust is the truth. My life is truly changed and blessed because Heavenly Father brought us together. I know in my heart that from the moment I opened my heart and truely listened last night and believed what they were saying, that my life as well as my family has changed course, and will be so much better, fuller,spiritful, and following Heavenly Fathers plan we will be together forever.


Mikal said...

So it's in the mid 80's outside which means I am sitting comfortably in our airconditioned home reading your post. I actually have gooebumps on gooebumps because I know the Spirit is testifying to you that the gospel is true! Many people are searching and never find, or find and let go, or don't even realize there is something missing in their lives, but you have been searching and and are finding and accepting the truths you have and are finding. Stay focused. There are others who will be used to tempt you to turn your back on or question the promptings. Be strong and steadfast. Continue to listen and learn. Your testimony is in an infantile stage. It will grow with proper nourishment.

Emily said...

Thanks for sharing something so personal with us. We love your sweet family and can't wait to get to know you even better over the coming months and years! See you soon.

Strommer Family said...

Way to go Girl!! My husband Chris was taught by Sister missionaries and I think they definitely can convey a spirit especially to women that sometimes maybe others can't. So I'm so glad that you are taking advantage of this wonderful opportunity. Never stop learning!! ;)