Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Save the Date!!!!!!!


MySpace Countdown


Mikal said...

Hoorah!!!! Hurrah!!!! Hurry on time because I can;t wait. Need more specifics.

Strommer Family said...

Good for you Girl!! I'm so proud and also still kinda flabbergasted that this is the Paula I knew from H.S. being so close to making a decision that brings her so much more closer to her Heavenly Father and especially her sweet little family forever...being together FOREVER!! Nothing's better than that!! ;)

Marla G~Ma of 15 said...

I am so proud of Richard for coming back to church and introducing you to the LDS Church. I have known Richard for a long time and have always thought of him as being a good person. You have grown in testimony so much already in the short while your family has been coming to church. I'm so excited for you and Richard, you act so comfortable coming to church, and Dean and Lilly are doing so well coming to church. I look forward to witnessing your baptism the end of the month. Continue to study and pray, strenghten your testimony. People of other faith will talk bad to you about the church, but hold fast to the things you have found out are true. Marla Lawrence Relief Society Pres.(sorry about the way my name shows up, thats how I write to my grandkids)