Tuesday, August 26, 2008

my little man has a number

1st Grade.... he had so much fun yesterday and did so good...everyone was commenting on it, his teacher, the physcologist, even the principal...everyone is so great @ Smyrna....We met Miss Gina who is his 1 on 1 teacher this year. She seems really nice and really interested in working with Dean. Ms. Laura who is his main teacher is really excited. I was more nervous than he was yesterday. He just went right in and kinda looked around the room a bit and then went to his seat and went to work on his morning work.....I am so proud.

Sunday during Sacrament meeting I looked down and Dean was coloring...not just scribble coloring though actually choosing a certain color for a peticular thing on the page. I was so excited that he did that and then said "l0ok mama, I colored Manny's (Handy Manny) hat yellow and his clothes green and the tools blue and the tool box red" I almost started crying right then, that is a huge step with his thought process..he sat and thought and new exactly what he wanted to do and it was a multiple step process....my little guy is on to achieving more great things!!!!!

1 comment:

Strommer Family said...

I'm so glad your little Mr. is making great strides!! Keep up the studying with the church and it will bless your little sweet family in ways you can't even imagine!! :)